Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Chern-Simons Invariants And Orbifolds, Part One

An orbifold eigenset is a set of a discrete quanta of energy, that operate in so as to perform one specific function.  The individually taken discrete quanta of energy -- that work in so as to comprise any one of such so-mentioned orbifold eigensets -- act as being delineated along the outer surface area of the so-stated respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is of any one respective unique cases.  This is analogous to the physical condition, that if a point-related charge is in the center of a conductive shell -- all of that charge is here to be delineated at the outer surface of that shell.  Next -- let us consider a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is here to bear both hermitian Lagrangian-related singularities and hermitian-related metrical singularities, -- over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  This would then mean, that the said orbifold eigenset of such a respective case, is to be transferred in this case -- via a Rham (De Rham) cohomology, -- as it is here being conducted through a sequential series of group-related instantons, in the course of a correlative Fourier Transformation.  Let us next say that the said respective orbifold eigenset, is to consist of a relatively significantly large Hodge-Index of discrete energy quanta.  This means that there are here to be many individually taken discrete energy quanta that are here to work to comprise the respective orbifold eigenset -- that is of such a case.  The orbifold eigenset is to here to behave as one particular genus of field, over the directly corresponding relatively transient evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  The said individually taken discrete quanta, that are here to work to comprise the respective orbifold eigenset, are here to be delineated in a spatial-related covariance -- per each individually taken group-related instanton, in such a manner -- to where the angular-canonical flow that may be extrapolated, when this is taken in comparison to the layer of proximal locus, that these said discrete energy quanta are here to work to bear, -- when these are here to be compared to each other in a Laplacian-related manner, per each individually taken iteration of group-related instanton, in which such an orbifold eigenset is to here to be undergoing the earlier mentioned evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, is here to work to gauge, to an extent -- where the correlative discrete quanta of energy that are here of the same universal setting, that are here to work to comprise  their integral-related individually taken parts of the same orbifold eigenset of such a case --are then to be placed at, per each succeeding iteration of group-related instanton.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincereley, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Superstrings At Surface Area Of Shell

Those individually taken discrete quanta of energy, that work to comprise the topological stratum of any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- tend to exist, during any one given arbitrary iteration of group-related instanton, at the general region that is proximal local to the surface area of the outer shell of the respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is of any one specific given arbitrary correlative case.
This is allegorical to the condition, that a charge that is to be formed at the center of a conductive shell -- will tend to be delineated at the outer surface area of that self-same shell.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Harmonics Of Vibrating Open Loops

When one is here to be considering a Ward-Cauchy-related open-loop phenomenology, that is isotropically stable -- such as a (1+1) string -- such a said superstring of discrete energy is to tend to harmonically vibrate mildly, during any given arbitrary iteration of BRST, in which it is here to then to work to form a tightly-knit homological eigenstate, at the proximal local region that is Poincare to the core-field-density of the topological stratum of the so-stated open-loop phenomenology.  Such a said (1+1) string, though, is to vibrate mildly in an anharmonic manner, during the directly corresponding sequential iterations of the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.  Yet -- when one is here to be considering a Ward-Cauchy-related open-loop phenomenology, that is isotropically unstable -- such as a (2+1) string -- such a said superstring of discrete energy is to tend to vibrate mildly in an anharmonic manner during any given arbitrary iteration of BRST, in which it is here to then to work to form a tightly-knit homological eigenstate, at the proximal local region that is Poincare to the core-field-density of the topological stratum of the so-stated open-loop phenomenology.  Such a sad (2+1) string, though, is to vibrate mildly in a harmonic manner, during the directly corresponding sequential iterations of the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Vibrations Of Bosonic Superstrings During BRST

Let us initially consider a mass-bearing bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that is to be undergoing the Polyakov Action, over an individual eigenmetric of an increment of BRST.  As such a said string is to be going through the Polyakov Action, via a scalar amplitude that is to the inverse of its directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contraction -- the directly corresponding superstring of such a given case, is to here to tend to be mildly vibrating harmonically at the locus at which it is to be basically existing at a standstill at, over the course of one individual iteration of instanton.  As such a said bosonic superstring is here to be mildly vibrating at its Relatively Laplacian-based locus -- at which point in duration, such a superstring is to be undergoing the Polyakov Action to the inverse of its Lorentz-Four-Contraction -- the activity of the interaction of the topological stratum of the so-stated superstring, with those surrounding norm-state-projections that it is coming into a Gliosis-related contact with, is to work to form a tightly-knit cohomological stratum of a Hamiltonian operand that is delineated at the core-field-density, that is proximal local to the specific unique cite of the said topological stratum of the respective bosonic superstring of this given arbitrary case.  This tightly-knit cohomological stratum, -- that is proximal to the core-field-density of the holonomic substrate of the respective string -- may here be called an eigenstate of a Gliosis-Sherk-Olive cohomology.  The manner of working to consider such a cohomological eigenstate as a relatively temporal phenomenology, may then be called a Gliosis-Sherk-Olive ghost.
 I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Discrete Energy Quanta And Orbifold Eigensets

Initially consider each individually taken discrete quantum of energy, that works here in so as to comprise one respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, over a proscribed gauged-metric.  Consider the directly corresponding cohomology that each of these said discrete quanta of energy are here to work to form, over the so-stated gauged-metric.  Next, integrate all of the extrapolated cohomological phenomenology that is here to be formed by the correlative summed orbifold eigenset -- as this is here to be the sum of all of the individually taken cohomological eigenstates that are here in reference to the additive cohomological eigenstates of the composite discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset -- over the so-eluded-to relatively transient duration of time.  Next, consider the Lagrangian-based path that each of the composite discrete energy quanta are to go through, over the course of the said gauged-metric.  Now, extrapolate the summed overall Lagrangian that the so-mentioned orbifold eigenset is to go through -- when one is here to consider that this said eigenset is to act as one metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator -- since it acts here as a set of discrete quanta of energy that operate in so as to perform one specific given arbitrary function, over time.  This resultant cohomological stratum may then be used to help at determining the delineation-related physical memory -- as to both the where, the how, and the when that a specific respective Ward-Cauchy-related Hamiltonian operator had interacted, amongst the norm-state-projections that it had come into a Gliosis-based contact with, as this discrete energy had been distributed and re-distributed as a piecewise continuous phenomenology, over time.  This will then work to help one at understanding the activity of energy, as it is  interacting with its immediate environment over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Eigenstates Of Centralized Knotting As Crucial Nodes

Eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, act as major nodes of the flow of gravitational force transference -- of which act as mini-portals by which mini-stringular segmentation is to be delineated to-and-fro -- in so as to tend to work to act as a Hamiltonian operator -- for the correlative Gaussian distribution of eigenindices and eigenstates of one space of a given universal setting, to what will tend to be a tranferrence of Ward-Cauchy phenomenology to another space of that same universal setting, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Relatively Dense Centralized Knotting

The strong force is multiplict at a locus, at which there is an eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  Gravitational waves tend to move outward and perpendicular to the transversal medium that these are here to be moving through, over time.  The strong force is that force that works to inter-bind those subatomic particles together, in so as to work to bring phenomenology together -- such as that force that works to bring quarks and/or leptons together in so as to form protons, neutrons, and electrons.  A high density of subatomic particles will tend to mean that there will thereby be a high density of atoms.  A relatively high density of atoms eludes to the condition of a relatively high tense of gravity.  The more dense that the delineation of eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure is, the more that the gravitational force will tend to act upon its surroundings -- in so as to work to push-in such external phenomenology upon itself.  Therefore -- the more dense that the delineation of the strong force is, the more that the gravitational force will tend to act upon its surroundings -- in so as to work to push-in such external phenomenology upon itself.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Supposition Of Astrology

The following general view in this specific particular post, does not necessarily reflect my specific beliefs, yet, this is the general gist of something that I happen to perceive -- when this is taken into a consideration as a tense of physics. 
Astrology depicts a supposition, in that both the motion and the placement of the stars, as well as both the motion and the placement of the planets -- works to effect life in general and/or specifically.  The activity as to both the motion and the placement of the stars, as well as the activity of both the motion and the placement of the planets, -- is due to the differential activity of gravity, and thus, this is due to the differential activity of the Rarita Structure.  Therefore, -- it is my perception, that, indirectly, astrology supposes and attempts to predict, the manner in that the differential conditions of the Rarita Structure -- have a definitive impact upon life, in a particular way.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Some Added Stuff As To Gravitons And Gravitinos

Gravitons exist in orbifold eigensets, that may be described of as g-fields.  G-Fields exist in a minimum of five spatial dimensions plus time -- via any directly corresponding Fourier Transformation.  Gravitinos exist in orbifold eigensets, that may be described of as gr-fields.  GR-fields exist in a minimum of five spatial dimensions plus time --via any directly corresponding Fourier Transformation.  Both g-fields and gr-fields -- when these are individually taken -- exist as a set of one or more closed-loop strings of eminent gravitational import -- that operate in so as to perform one specific given arbitrary function.  Aside from the tendency of the occasional swivel-shaped conditions, that are here to exist in the two-dimensional behavior of such so-eluded-to closed loop phenomenology, the added three or more spatial dimensions that I  have just eluded to, may be attributed to the Ward-Cauchy-related Fourier-based activity of both g-fields and gr-fields, when these are individually taken, to where such added spatial parameters are here to come into play, when such said fields are going through each successive iteration of the Regge Action, of which is to happen at the end part of each successive iteration of instanton.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Schwinger-Indices And Core-Field-Density Of Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate

At the Poincare level to the topological stratum, of any one given arbitrary second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate --- right where a given arbitrary gauge-boson is acting, in so as to work to "pluck" the said second-order eigenstate -- there is a third-order Schwinger-Index, that is here to be formed during BRST.  Yet, from anywhere that is outside of the region of the core-field-density -- of that discrete quantum of energy of such a case that is here to be considered, there is only the viable Ward-Cauchy-related condition of there being the existence of both first-ordered Schwinger-Indices and/or second-ordered Schwinger-Indices.  (Depending upon both the manner and the scalar amplitude of the quantization of the correlative Schwinger-Indices.)  The reason to this, is because -- once one is to extrapolate the general Ward-Cauchy-related condition of any viable quantization of those discrete bundles of wave, that are here o ensue, in so as to converge to be able to work to form gravity waves outside of the proximal locus where the initial Schwinger-Indices are to be formed, from their specific locus of origin -- the earlier stated third-order Schwinger-Indices will tend to always be quantized into either a second-order or a first-order Schwinger-Index.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Mini-Stringular Segmentation And First-Ordered Point Particles

Mini-Stringular segmentation is drawn into nodes -- in a multiplicit manner, in so as to work to form what may be termed of here as being the essence of first-ordered point particles.  First-Ordered point particles come together as building blocks of the topological stratum of discrete energy permittivity, in so as to work at helping to form both superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, as well as these said superstrings' counter parts.  First-Ordered point particles are also existent, in so as to work to help at forming part of the topological stratum of norm-state-projections.  These node-like holonomic substrate-based phenomenology, of what I have just termed of here as being first-ordered point particles, come in the form of a parabolic-shaped twining of mini-stringular segmentation, -- of which is utilized, in so as to work at forming that level of Ward-Cauchy-related building blocks, -- that exist multiplicitly at one level of the holonomic substrate of topological stratum that is below the composition of discrete energy itself.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Relative Scalar Amplitude Of Centralized Knotting

The higher that the scalar amplitude is, of as to how tight that the centralized knotting of the correlative eigenstates of the Rarita Structure is, in any one given arbitrary case -- the higher that the respective scalar amplitude will be, as to the strength of the directly corresponding gluonic force -- that will then tend to bear a higher scalar amplitude of the strong force, in such a case scenario.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode Becoming Entropic

Let us consider a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is here to be undergoing a tense of superconformal invariance over an initial relatively transient duration of time.   The said eigenset is then to here be consequently going through a state of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.  If the directly corresponding metrical flow of the motion of the said orbifold eigenset -- as it is here to be forming a set of Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities, that are here to work to bear complex roots, to where this is to here to bear a non-trivial set of assymetric Ward-Supplemental-related antiholomorphic Kahler conditions -- that are eminently non hermitian over time, then as this general tense of a Fourier Transformation is to happen, the initially stated tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode will spontaneously tend to work to become entropic, as it is here to tend to then to move out of the initially stated tense of superconformal invariance.
 I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Harmonic Invariant Mode

Let us initially say that one were to have a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is here to be differentiating in a Fourier-related manner -- that is to be in a tense of superconformal invariance.  This said orbifold eigenset is to then to be existing under the Ward-Cauchy-related tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.  In the process of such an orbifold eigenset to be in such a state of a harmonic condition -- to be placed into the conditions of such a superconformally invariant mode -- the individually taken discrete quanta of energy, that are here to be making-up the composition of the so-stated eigenstate, are to here to tend to go through a sequential series of gauged-metrics, that are here to work to involve antiholmoprhic Kahler conditions, over time.  Each time that the said orbifold eigenset is to be brought into a Ward-Supplemental-based flow, there is here to be a directly involved set of Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities, that are here to involve complex roots.  The more trivially isometric that the flow of the motion that is here to transpire, as such an orbifold eigenset is to metrically go through such Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities -- the more harmonic that the resultant Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is then to tend to be.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Inter-Meshed Orbifold Eigensets

Orbifold eigensets that are of different universal settings, tend to inter-mesh amongst each other -- in such a manner that does not tend to work to allow for any operational infringement upon one another, from within their correlative Ward-Cauchy-based substringular boundaries.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Adjacent Superstring Wobble Versus Adjacent Light-Cone-Gaug Wobble

Take the covariant angling of oscillation-based wobbling, that is here to exist between any two given arbitrary immediately adjacent superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  Whatever this so-eluded-to covariant angling of oscillation-based wobbling is -- multiply it by i (the square-root of -1), and one will then get what the covariant angling of oscillation-based wobbling will be, between the two directly corresponding first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- that are here to act in so as to work to make-up the primarily wave-based functioning of the discrete energy impedance, that is to be directly corresponding to the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that are of such a respective given arbitrary case scenario.  So, if two immediately adjacent superstrings are subtended from each other, with a covariant angling of oscillation-based wobbling of (10i)degrees -- as just an arbitrary example, and this would then certainly mean that these two said superstrings will tend to be of two different universal settings -- then, those first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to work to make up the two comparative said respective discrete quanta of energy -- will then be in so as to work to bear a covariant angling of oscillation-based wobbling of (-10) degrees.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Adjacent Superstrings Versus Adjacent Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates

Immediately adjacent superstrings that are of the same universe, are 90 degrees relative to one another -- whereas, immediately adjacent first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are of the same universe, are 90i degrees relative to one another.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Next Part Of Session 10 Of Course 20 -- Calabi-Based Interactions And Calabi-Based Manifolds

One can not have a fraction of an electromagnetic beam, yet, one may have a quantum of many electromagnetic beams that are quantized together.  One may have a quantum of electromagnetic energy that contains multiple types of electromagnetic energy that are integrated as one unit, which is usually the case from within the confines of a planet.  Let us say that a bunch of beams of electromagnetic energy are quantized, and are heading for an object of mass -- that is in its direct path.  The electromagnetic energy scatters, when it interfaces with the object of mass.  When the quantized beams of electromagnetic energy are about to strike the given object, the beams of energy that are here given, are to be situated with what may be termed of here as being of a Yang-Mills topology.  A Yang-Mills topology eludes to the condition -- that the Gaussian of the given light-cone-gauge is 90i degrees  to the Gaussian of the light-cone-gauge of the object of mass, that the beams of energy given are about to strike.  When the beams of quantized electromagnetic energy scatter upon the given mass, the scattered energy temporarily becomes of a Kaluza-Klein topology -- in that the Gaussian of the beams of quantized electromagnetic energy are then to be interfacing with an orthogonal Gaussian light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- that works to relate a supplemental Njenhuis set of Ricci tensors, that set a directly corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate to interact with the Regge Slope, in so as to work to help at allowing for the correlative related phenomenology -- that is here to be going through a directly corresponding Gaussian Transformation -- to be Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric, over a relatively brief sequential series of group-related instantons.  This is here to be involved most specifically, in this given case, at the interface of the Gliosis-based interaction, that is here to exist between the said electromagnetic energy and the substances that it is to be scattering upon.  Remember, Lorentz-Four-Contractions only apply for phenomenology that have not been topologically frayed by a black-hole.  So, whenever light, or, for that "matter," whenever electromagnetic energy is to scatter, individual discrete electromagnetic quanta of energy are very transiently sped up for 384 consecutive iterations of group-related instanton, per each individually taken entropic photon that has here just respectively been scattered, while then slowed down (although such discrete electromagnetic quanta are slowed down as is according to Snell's Law, when detected by any overt means of physical extrapolation).  Such a very brief "tachyonic" propulsion, is here to be explained by the following:  Imagine a bright and hot electrostatic "ball," that is to go from traveling through a vacuum -- into traveling through a thicker medium -- all of the sudden.  As this "ball" of charge is to be going through the said thicker medium, the overall motion of the said electrostatic ball will be slowed.  Yet, the static electromagnetic energy that is at the perithery of the ball, may be imagined to very temporarily speed-up upon direct contact with the said thicker medium, while then such an external static charge will ensue, in so as to be brought back to the relative core of the said overall slowed hot electrostatic ball -- that has here to have lost velocity by moving into a relatively thicker medium.  As the photons that were very briefly made entropic, are to ensue in so as to be re-quantized with that respective beam of light -- that these had temporarily been scattered out of -- the so-eluded-to electromagnetic energy that is not "entropic," is then said to be back to having a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Cohmologies, Ghosts, And Distortions, Part Two

When a given arbitrary cohomology is broken down by both the consequent motion and Gliosis-based impact of a set of one or more relatively reverse-holomorphic norm-state-projections, that are here to have just made an annharmonic wave-tug upon the topological stratum of the initially stated cohomology -- this so-eluded-to breaking down of the stated cohomology, is a condition of a relative tense of increasing disorder.  Therefore, -- from the vantage-point of a given arbitrary external source, the extrapolation-based detection of such a breaking down of the stated cohomology will form a tense of distortion -- that is one of an increasing tense of disorder.  Such an alteration in the extrapolation-based detection of a respective given arbitrary cohomology, that is breaking down -- is a distortion that is of a Cevita-related nature.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

General Types Of Substringular Distortion

If a substringular distortion is one of an increasing tense of order -- then, this general genus of a substringular distortion may be called a Wess-Zumino-based distortion.  Yet, if a substringular distortion is one of an increasing tense of disorder -- then, this general genus of a substringular distortion may be called a Cevita-based distortion.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Substringular Meaning Of Distortion

The meaning of a distortion -- when this is to here to be taken, in the case as to what is to be happening in the sub stringular -- is when the extrapolation-related detection of a physical phenomenology is to be altered, from the potential relativistic vantage-point that may be taken here from one specific respective given arbitrary set proximal locus.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Cohomologies, Ghosts, And Distortions, Part One

Remember back at the condition that I have mentioned in the past -- that the projection of the trajectory of a substringular phenomenology is a world-sheet.  The mappable-tracing of a world-sheet is a cohomology.  That manner of considering a cohomology -- to where this may be viewed of as a relatively transient phenomenology, that is generally not to be apprehended -- is a ghost anomaly.  Cohomologies are initially harmonically scattered into place, via a correlative Reimmanian scattering, into a set of norm-state-projections -- that work in so as to help at indicating the physical memory of both the where, the how, and the when, that any particular given arbitrary respective substringular phenomenon had physically differentiated -- over any correlative proscribed sequential series of instantons.  The initiation of such a general genus of Reimmanian-based scattering, works to form a harmonic perturbation of those norm-state-projections, that had just been in the Lagrangian-based path of that Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology, that is here to be forming an integrable set of cohomological eigenindices, as a set of Hamiltonian operand-related eigenstates, -- in so as to work to form a Wess-Zumino distortion of those point commutators that had eminently been in the path of the said substringular phenomenology, that had just formed the said cohomology.  Such a general genus of a Wess-Zumino distortion, is here to be formed by a set of relatively forward-holomorphic tending norm-state-projections -- that are here to have come into contact with that Ward-Cauchy-based phenomenology, that is here to form the so-eluded-to set of the so-stated physical memories.   I will get to the topic, as to the conditions that are related to those Cevita distortions of point particle-related motion -- soon.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Interconnections Within Orbifold Eigenset

There tends to be a more tightly-knit interconnection of mini-stringular segmentation, from within the core-field-density of any one given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset, than the interconnection of mini-stringular segmentation that is to exist between two or more distinctly different orbifold eigensets.  Such a general genus of a tightly-knit interconnection of mini-stringular segmentation, is due to the condition, that such a so-eluded-to general genus of interconenctive segmentations --  are here to work as eigenindices of the scalar amplitude of Ward-Cauchy-based substringular fields, -- and any one respective given arbitrary set of discrete energy quanta, that operate in so as to perform one specific given function, is going to tend to bear a more tightly-knit interdependent field amongst the specific eigenstates that work to comprise itself, than that general genus of substringular field networking that would otherwise be established among distinctly different orbifold eigensets.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Shimmering In Tightly-Knit Locus

If the discrete energy quanta that work to comprise one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, are to work to bear superstrings that bear complex Lagrangian-based roots that are of a Chern-Simons nature, that are here to work to bear a relatively anti chiral symmetry, when this is in terms of the tendency of their potential holomorphic fractal of angular momentum that these said superstrings are to bear upon one another, over the so-eluded-to proscribed evenly gauged Hamiltonian metric -- then, such a respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is more than likely to then be of a super conformal nature -- to where its directly corresponding eigenindices will then tend to have a nature of simply shimmering, at a relatively tightly-bound proximal locus over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Ward-Supplemental Collision

If two given arbitrary orbifold eigensets are to be approaching one another, in such a manner in so as to be moving towards each other in a Ward-Supplemental manner -- in a manner, by which both of the just mentioned respective eigensets are here to bear a Yukawa Coupling, the one towards the other -- to where their Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities are here to bear complex roots that are to bear the same isometric parity, although with identically the opposite chirality upon their here resulting eminent Yukawa-based collision, -- then,  the resulting Gliosis-based interaction that is to happen here, will tend to be of a relatively flush nature, that may often, but not always, be of a head-on nature upon impact.  Such a Gliosis-based contact, will tend to inevitably work to cause both of the said orbifold eigensets to then result in having a set of metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Cyclic Permutative Kahler Conditions

The more rapid that there are cyclic permutations, that are of the nature of what may here be called antiholomorphic Kahler conditions, that are here to happen to the Fourier-based activity of a Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology -- that are to be applied to those individually taken superstrings, that work to comprise any one respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- the more likely that such a said orbifold eigenset is then to work to bear a relatively higher tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, over a here ensuing sequential series of group-related instantons.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sychronized Ward-Polarity

Let us initially say that one were to have an orbifold eigenset, that was comprised of by a relatively large number of discrete energy quanta -- as such a said given arbitrary orbifold eigenset were to be traveling over a relatively large evenly gauged metric.  The more synchronized that the Ward-Cauchy-related polarity is here to be -- when this is in consideration of the general holomorphic direction of the integration of those discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to comprise the said eigenset, when this is taken into consideration the general condition just stated alone, -- the more likely that such a respective given arbitrary eigenset is then to be able to at least approach the speed of light, over the so-eluded-to evenly gauged metric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Orbifold Eigensets, Permittivity, And Impedance

The Lorentz-Four-Contraction of any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is based upon the overall rate of motion of the particular orbifold eigenset, that such a said respective superstring is to work to comprise -- over the so-eluded-to evenly gauged metric.  As the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is to go up -- the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that operate, in so as to work to comprise the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset of such a case, will be increasing in their rate of motion, as the correlative discrete quanta of energy impedance, that also work to help at working to comprise the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset of such a case, will be decreasing in their scalar amplitude of effect upon their correlative Hamiltonian operand.  The Polyakov Action of any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is also based upon the overall rate of motion -- of the particular orbifold eigenset that such a said respective superstring is to work to comprise -- over the so-eluded-to evenly gauged metric.  As the Polyakov Action is to go up -- the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that operate in so as to work to comprise the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset of such a case, will be decreasing in their rate of motion, as the correlative discrete quanta of energy impedance -- that also work to help at working to comprise the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset of such a case, will be increasing in their scalar amplitude of effect upon their correlative Hamiltonian operand.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Discrete Energy Permittivity Versus Discrete Energy Impedance

When the Polyakov Action is relatively high and the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is thereby relatively low here -- the flow of the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity of such a case will then tend to be relatively slow, as the correlative discrete quantum of energy impedance will then tend to have a relatively higher scalar amplitude of effect.  Yet -- when the Polyakov Action is relatively low and the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is thereby relatively high -- the flow of the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity will then tend to be relatively fast, as the correlative discrete quantum of energy impedance will then tend have a relatively lower scalar amplitude of effect.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Inter-Connective Mini-Stringular Segmentation

What I am about to talk about first, is most related to substringular impedance -- so read carefully -- and  "hold onto your hats!"  The higher that the scalar amplitude of the Polyakov Action eigenstate is, the more mini-stringular segmentation that there will tend to be -- that is fed into the proximal locus of the directly corresponding first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  The more mini-stringular segmentation that there will be, that is fed into the proximal locus of the directly corresponding first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- the more mini-stringular segmentation that there will tend to be, that is fed into the correlative proximal local second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to have worked to comprise the earlier mentioned first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  This relative insurgence of mini-stringular segmentation, will then tend to work at causing a relative insurgence of impedance-based interconenctive mini-stringular eigenindices -- of which will then tend to work to cause a relative increase in the scalar amplitude of the proximal local impedance-based covariant field eigenindices -- that will then tend to be proximal at the here relatively adjacent substringular neighborhood.  Here is an example, in so as to work to elaborate at what I mean by this.  Mini-Stringular segmentation is what works to inter-connect Ward-Cauchy-based substringular phenomenology, as well as the condition that mini-stringular segmentation is what works to form both substringular fields and the general basis of homotopy.  Such said segmentation is what works to hold the unfrayed quanta of energy in the space-time-continuum together, per each successive iteration of group-related instanton.  The more of a "Hodge-Index" that one is to relatively bear, as to the scalar magnitude of the degree of the mini-stringular segmentation, that is then to be present -- the more likely that there is to be a higher scalar magnitude as to both the number of mini-stringular inter-connections, as well as the number of inter-connective field eigenindices -- that may exist here, to be utilized in so as to then to work to bear a Yukawa Coupling with that general stratum, that is here to be most directly associated with such an increase in mini-stringular segmentation.  Thence -- when the Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is most directly associated with a phenomenon is low, and its consequent Polyakov Action, is then to be high -- then, its consequent light-cone-gauge eigenstate, and thus the directly corresponding wave-related tense of substringular impedance, will then tend to bear a higher stability of homotopic residue.  This will then tend to be the inverse as to what will happen to the correlative discrete quantum of energy permittivity.  This will then tend to, instead, to work to decrease the field-interconnection-based eigenindices, in so as to work to bear a lower stability of homotopic residue  -- that would otherwise work for superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  "Superstrings," in my model, may be generally typified as being superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Hyperbolic Wave-Tug Of Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates

The higher that the scalar amplitude of that of the Polyakov Action eigenstate is to be, at one given arbitrary proximal locus -- the greater that the hyperbolic wave-tug will be extended, of the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are of such a particular respective given arbitrary case.  So, the lower that the directly correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction is to be, then, the higher that the scalar amplitude will be of the directly corresponding Polyakov Action eigenstate, to where this will then result in a relatively greater scalar amplitude of the correlative hyperbolic wave-tug -- to be exerted upon the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Relative Universal Settings

Let us initially consider two different immediately adjacent discrete quanta of energy, that are respectively each from two different universal settings.  Since the two different discrete quanta of energy are of different universes -- when this is to be considered as a relationship, that may be held in retrospect between one of the two individually taken discrete quantum increments of energy with the other individually taken discrete quantum increments of energy, -- the said immediately adjacent discrete quanta of energy, are here to not be orthogonal to one another, in such a manner to where these would otherwise be of the same universal setting.  Instead, both the angle of their displaced delineation, as well as the angle of their covariant vibration, -- will be of such a nature in so as to Not be of a respective 90 degree covariant Yukawa Coupling of placement, in conjunction with a covariant wobbling of 1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees when in relation to one another -- as these would otherwise bear the one toward the other, if these two said discrete quanta of energy were to be of the same universal setting.  Yet, if these two said quanta were to exist under a covariant tense of a superconformal invariance -- to where both their covariant displaced delineation, along with their covariant wobbling, were to alter to where these were then to be of such a said condition of working to bear a respective 90 degree covariant Yukawa Coupling of placement, in conjunction with a covariant wobbling of 1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees when in relation to one another, then, such a dual condition of a superconformal invariance would then involve two different discrete quanta of energy that would then be of the same universal setting.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Relative Pulse Of Norm-State-Projections

Since a Hausendorf norm-state-projection of one given arbitrary length, as this is taken along its topological surface at the Poincare level, will tend to work to bear a higher Hodge-Index than a Campbell norm-state-projection that is of the same given arbitrary length, as this is taken along its topological surface at the Poincare level --as this is correlative to the number of first-order point particles that work to comprise the correlative phenomenology of both such a  said comparative Hausendorf projection when in relationship to a said Campbell norm-state-projection, when this is taken in terms of the  holonomic substrate of the topological stratum of the said Hausendorf state in comparison to the latter mentioned genus of projection, when only working to consider this factor alone, such a respective given arbitrary Hausendorf norm-state-projection will then tend to bear a higher Hamiltonian-based pulse than a correlative Campbell norm-state-projection.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Simultaneous Dual Conditions Of Cohomology

Let us say that a set of individually taken superstrings are here to exist in a tense of superconformal invariance, over time.  Let us next say that each of the just mentioned superstrings are here to work to comprise one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, of which is to exist, as well, in a tense of superconformal invariance, over time.  Each of the earlier mentioned superstrings are then to work to form a cohomological eigenstate in the process, when this is taken over an evenly gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- as well as to say that the earlier mentioned orbifold eigenset is then to work to form an overall cohomological eigenstate in the process.  If the said superstrings are to be of a mass-bearing nature, these will, over the said evenly gauged metric, tend to generate as much cohomology as these will degenerate.  If such a said orbifold eigenset is then to bear the so-eluded-to Yau-Exact conditions (since it is here of a mass-bearing nature that is superconformally invariant), then, such an orbifold eigenset will, as well, tend to generate as much cohomology as it will degenerate, when this is taken over the same evenly gauged metric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

A Little As To The Mathematics Of Cohomology

When one is to work to derive those mathematical expressions -- that are here to be utilized in so as to help at describing cohomological eigenindices and cohomological eigenstates, -- one is to initially work to derive what I term of here as being the respective given arbitrary genus of a "knotting" equation.  Such a said "knotting" equation is here to be contingent upon a Real Reimman manifold, of which is named here as "W."  If one is to try to derive a correlative Complex manifold G(c), one may take one or more Li-operators to be applied upon the said W manifold, in order to get the said G(c) manifold -- in the process of working to determine such a general condition.  In the process of working to derive such so-inferred knotting equations, one is here to be working to translate one given arbitrary Minkowski Space into a correlative given arbitrary Hilbert Space.  I can think of six general genre of knotting equations from the "top of my head."  These would be:  One for an f-field, one for a d-field, one for a p-field, one for a graviton field, one for a gravitino field, and one for a neutrino field.  This may be enough for you to digest for now.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.