Friday, September 29, 2017

Mini-Stringular Segmentation And Substringular Fields

Mini-stringular segmentation is built-up of second-order point particles -- that are "chained" or linked together, in a chord-like manner.  It is mini-stringular segmentation, that works to act as that holonomic substrate -- that functions as that general genus of topological stratum, by which substringular fields are thus to be formed.  For instance -- it is the multiplicit strands of phenomenology, that are at least partially comprised of by the said general genus of mini-stringular segmentation -- that work, in so as to allow for those field-based interactions among superstrings, to then to be able to happen.  Furthermore -- it is the multiplicit mini-stringular segmentation, that acts in so as to both directly and to indirectly interconnect the quantum world of discrete energy together, into the general condition of homotopy, -- over the course of each succeeding iteration of group-related instanton.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Part Three Of Session 7 Of Course 20

Let us initially consider a beam of electromagnetic energy, that is traveling right in the direction of a path -- that leads to the topological stratum of a smoothly contoured piece of metal.  Metal is comprised of molecules that are made-up of atoms, and such atoms are comprised of electrons and protons and neutrons.  These protons and the neutrons just mentioned, are at the multiplict center or nucleus of the said atom.  The electrons orbit around the external elliptical perimeter of each of the said atoms.  At the reference frame that is just external to those molecules that work to comprise the said metal, the so-stated metal is relatively stationary -- to where the atoms that work to comprise the molecules of the said metal are in a relative condition of conformal invariance.  The directly corresponding atoms of the so-stated metal, are here to bear a tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.  Back to before.  The earlier mentioned beam of electromagnetic energy is to strike the said metal.  Let's next say that the said electromagnetic energy is a beam of what may here be called white light.  As the beam of light here is to strike the metal, the light scatters to an extent -- in so as to work to form a certain amount of infrared energy or heat.  Heat is the most eminent form of electromagnetic energy that is formed,when electromagnetic energy is to strike a mass in a Gliosis-based manner.  So, when a Calabi-Calabi manifold is to come into contact with a Calabi-Yau manifold -- the consequent formation of heat energy is the eminent electromagnetic tense of radiation that is thus formed, as an array of infrared or heat energy.  The resultant heat energy that is formed, works to effect the physical state of that Calabi-Yau-related manifold, that is here to be interactive with light energy in a Gliosis-based manner over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Part Two Of Session 7 Of Course 20

The first type of such scattering that I will introduce you to in this part of the course, is that general genus of scattering -- that is to occur, when a beam of light or a beam of any other form of electromagnetic energy, is to strike another phenomenon, - that is, for all practical purposes, a shear form of matter or mass, that is here to be positioned in the immediate Lagrangian-based path of the said electromagnetic energy, as an eigenbase of a respective Hamiltonian operand, to where the so-eluded-to mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are to be in the path of that electromagnetic energy that is here about to strike it -- when one is to consider that electromagnetic energy is to travel in the direction of least time.  This is to  happen, when that electromagnetic energy that is about to strike the so-eluded-to mass-bearing manifold -- is to bear a cohomological mappable-tracing, that is to have a directoral-based bearing that is directed in a geometric manner, -- towards the Ward-Cauchy-based locus of a set of one or more orbifold eigensets of mass, -- to where the so-eluded-to propagation of a beam that is to here to act as a Calabi-Calabi-related manifold, is to be directed upon the topological stratum of a Calabi-Yau-related manifold.  Electromagnetic energy is propagated from a given source.  An electromagnetic beam of energy is to be propagated through a vacuum, at a tending velocity of 3.0*10^8 meters per second.  As a beam of electromagnetic energy is to strike another orbifold eigenset, that is comprised of by the holonomic substrate of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, -- the photons are to collide here in an individually taken manner, upon the externalized core-field-density of the light-cone-gauge-related eigenstate that is most is its path, as an eigenstate that is to be propagated in the direction of least time, -- to where the resultant collision of each resulting scattered photon upon the said externalized field-density of each directly corresponding discrete quantum of energy, is to consequently act in so as to work to cause a back-and-forth motion of each core electron that is to have just been struck in an eminently Yukawa-based manner, to where this motion is to then to tend to result in the release of the excess energy of each electron that had just been struck, in the form of each individually taken photon.   This is the general tendency, when light is to strike mass-bearing manifolds -- since electrons orbit the outer part of an atom, and mass tends to exist in atoms.  It is the E(8)XE(8) strings that act, in so as to hold together the multidimensional structure of a sub-atomic particle -- like a metaphorical "microtubule," that works to help to allow for the resultant Gliosis-based collision, that is of the tendency of a photon that is to strike an orbifold eigenset of an electron -- to domino-out such an inward thrust, in so as to then to push the multiplicit electron into the means of such a so-eluded-to Fujikawa Coupling.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Part One Of Session Seven Of Course 20

Light, or any other form of electromagnetic energy, can scatter upon either phenomenology of mass, phenomenology of plain kinetic energy, or upon phenomenology of other electromagnetic energy -- over time.  When electromagnetic energy is to scatter upon another phenomenology, it is to strike the externalized core-field-density of the light-cone-gauge eigenstate of the discrete energy quantum -- that it is to come into contact with in the so-inferred Gliosis-based manner.  Furthermore, any electromagnetic or electro-dynamic energy will tend to scatter upon any discrete quantum of mass, kinetic energy, and/or electromagnetic energy, in an initially Rayleigh-based manner -- when it is to strike the just inferred multiplicit externalized field of such a light-cone-gauge eigenstate, over any metric that may be gauged of as an even Hamiltonian operation, around the instance of contact, in which the so-eluded-to set of one or more photons are to make a direct Yukawa-based coupling upon the said phenomenology that may here be either as a quantum of a mass, a quantum of kinetic energy, and/or a quantum of electromagnetic energy, over time.  This is particularly the case, when the phenomenology that is to be struck is in the Lagrangian-based path -- as to the mappable-tracing of the electromagnetic energy that is in its venue of moving in the direction of least time, as a Hamiltonian operand -- in which the photon or the photons that are to be scattered, are here to be "toggled" as is as according to Snell's Law.  Mass-Bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are in a state of superconformal invariance -- tend to be Yau-Exact.  This is why I term those substringular manifolds, that are to be comprised of here as  mass-bearing strings -- as Calabi-Yau manifolds.  Electromagnetic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are in a state of superconformal invariance -- tend to be partially Yau-Exact.  This is why I term those substringular manifolds, that are to be comprised of here as electromagnetic strings -- as Calabi-Calabi manifolds.  Furthermore, -- kinetic energy-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are in a state of superconformal invariance,  tend to veer into a condition of bearing Chern-Simons singularities.  This is why I call those substringular manifolds, that are to be comprised of plain kinetic energy -- as Calabi-Wilson-Gordan manifolds. 
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Some Stuff As To Entropy And Quantum Entanglement

Entropy always works to involve a certain degree of quantum entanglement.  Whenever electromagnetic energy strikes anything, the Clifford-based Expansion of the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates are torqued at least in part, in a Njenhuis-based manner.  This works to help at causing an invasion of the Poincare-based indices, that are of the externalized core-field-density of the directly corresponding proximal local light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- that are of the directly corresponding superstrings that are to be struck in the so-eluded-to manner, by the incoming electromagnetic energy.  This works to help at causing the general condition -- that whenever electromagnetic energy acts, in so as to strike anything in so as to work to form a Rayleigh-based scattering, this general genus of activity is to then to work to form a proximal local antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  So, this so-eluded-to general genus of activity is to then to work to cause the Kahler-Metric to then become Gliosis, to those resulting discrete quanta of energy -- that are consequently in need of working to re-attain those fractals of discrete energy -- that are needed, in so as to help in allowing for discrete energy to continue to both persist and exist, over time. 
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Strong Force And The Basis Of Charge

In a stable atom, a positive charge tends to happen -- when Ward-Cauchy-based eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, work to bear torsional eigenindices -- that bear a tendency of aiming to act in the operational direction, of pushing themselves into external phenomenology.

In a stable atom, a negative charge tends to happen -- when Ward-Cauchy-based eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, work to bear torsional eigenindices -- that bear a tendency of aiming to act in the operational direction, of pushing external phenomenology into the so-eluded-to internal phenomenology of the initially said general genus of Ward-Cauchy-based eigenstates.

So, one may say, that a positive charge is as a "dot-product"-based tendency, whereas, one may say that a negative charge in as a "cross-product"-based tendency.

I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Last Test Solutions To The First Test Of Course 20

5)  Light that is to be in the process of traveling through any medium other than a vacuum, will tend to be slowed-down via the so-eluded-to process of going through such an inferred medium.  What happens in general, as light is to be going through a medium that is to slow its velocity -- is, that the said light is initially scattered by the topological stratum of such a general genus of phenomenology, to where the just scattered photons are to then go from an annharmonic re-delineaton to then such said photons are to then to be brought back into a proximal local orbifold eigenset of electromagnetic energy -- to where, until such so-eluded-to photons are to be re-scattered, such photons are to then to move in the direction of least time, until these are to be re-scattered, until these discrete quanta of electromagnetic energy are to again to be annharmonic in re-delineation until these are to be brought back into a proximal local orbifold eigenset of electromagnetic energy, to then such photons are to then to again to travel in a relatively straight manner in the direction of least time, and so on -- as is as according to the processes of Snell's Law.

6)  The Green Function, as it is to here to be applied to the processes of the Fujikawa Coupling, is a mathematical means of working to determine as to how the multiplicit discrete quantum of kinetic energy, that is to be released by an electron that is to here to drop back-and-forth an energy level -- is to bend in a hermitian manner, in so as to work to form a resultant consequent bosonic string that is known of as a photon.  (This "Green Function" works to describe how a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy, is to be formed by the hermitian bending of an open strand of substringular topological stratum -- into that closed loop phenomenology as to then to work to become a photon. Such a hermitian bending is to here to be consistent in only to change in as many derivatives here, as the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through, over the directly corresponding successive series of instantons in which such a change is to be occurring in.)

7)  A two-dimensional string of a photon, is to move through a minimum of 10 spatial dimensions plus time -- as it is to be traveling via any consequent Fourier Transformation.  The additive spatial dimensions are to be traveled through -- in-between BRST and the end of any directly associated iteration of instanton.  Such a so-eluded-to string, during BRST, is to have a circumference that is equal to the Planck-Length divided by a factor of 3*10^8.  During the ensuing Regge Action, such a superstring is to "stretch back out" to having a circumference that is equal in scalar amplitude to the Planck Length.  Whereas, a gauge-boson is a closed-loop, that is of a higher spatial dimensionality during BRST (but of a lower spatial dimensionality during the ensuing Regge Action) -- that is to "pluck" light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp -- in so as to work to form Schwinger-Indices that may be thought of as gravity waves.  Such a genus of a closed-loop phenomenology that is of the nature of being a gauge-boson -- is to bear a circumference of twice the Planck Length.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Some Additional Stuff As To The Strong Force

The strong force may be thought of as that tense of activity, by which certain phenomenology are put together or "glued" together, in so as to work to make-up or comprise those sub-atomic particles, that are inherent to both the existence and the activity of matter.  The specific cites at which there are individually taken subatomic entities, at which these said entities are proximal localized at the so-eluded-to loci, where in which these are to exist in so as to perform the earlier mentioned "gluing together" of subatomic particles, -- these said particles that act in so as to do the so-eluded-to binding, may be thought of as being eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  The Rarita Structure, in general, may be thought of as that holonomic substrate, via by which gravity waves, which act here as Schwinger-Indices, are to be commutated from one multiplicit spot to another -- in so as to act as that multiplicit Hamiltonian operand that is to exist, so that gravity is to then to be able to work to cause its effectual import upon phenomenology.  When the holomorphicity of the flow of the angular momentum of gravity, is of an even parity, when in context with those eigenindices that are of those substringular entities, that are Yukawa to the Reimman bearings of a positively chiral eigenbase, that is here of a directly corresponding Ricci field, then, this will consequently tend to work to cause the correlative eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, to consequently bear a proximal localized Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational force, at the local cites of the pertinent gluons.  This works to form the establishment of matter (versus antimatter).  If the parity that was just mentioned, is to then be reversed -- while yet still in the process of maintaining the said Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode -- this will then work to tend to form what may be thought of or called of here as the general existence of reverse magnetism.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, September 18, 2017

The Next Two Solutions To Test One Of Course 20

3)  What I mean by a "medium," is that general genus of a Hamiltonian operand, by which any respective given arbitrary electromagnetic energy is here to be traveling through such an operand, over time.  For instance, whatever the phenomenology that any respective given arbitrary electromagnetic energy is to be traveling through at the time, is thence to be of that same "medium" in which the here so-stated electromagnetic energy is to be Gliosis with, over that respective time frame in which the said "medium" is here to be correlative with such a general tense of the said energy.
4) Light scattering is that Rayleigh-based reaction of electromagnetic energy -- towards whatever the said electromagnetic energy is to strike, in so as to be re-distributed in an annharmonic manner, over time.  This involves a set of one or more photons -- to be in the kinematic process of working to strike the respective multiplicit externalized core-field-density of the light-cone-gauge eigenstate, of the discrete energy quantum or quanta that such a photon or photons are to strike, over time. Light re-quantization, on the other hand, is that Reimman-based reaction -- that electromagnetic energy is to display, of which is here to happen whenever it is to strike another set of electromagnetic energy in a Gliosis-based manner, in such a manner, in so as to work to form a harmonic re-delineation of their kinematic eigenindices, over time.  Such a Reimman-related reaction, is here to work to draw the proximal local photons towards one another -- in so as to make the resultant beam of light as both its entire whole and as the quantum of each photon that works to comprise the said beam at the same "time," just as a drop of water in the ocean is as the ocean, and as the ocean is itself, at the same time.
This is to happen, when two or more photons are to strike each other OUTSIDE from their respective light-cone-gauge eigenstates, -- yet NOT in a head-on manner, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Briefly As To Why Energy Is Particle And Wave-Like

Mass is energy in static equilibrium.  Energy is motion.  Motion is a set of one or more corelating disturbances in space.  So -- what makes such motion as both a particle-like and as a wave-like phenomenology, in so as to be a multiplicit holonomic substrate of topological stratum?
It is the metric-gauge-related pulsation, that is of the covariant eigenindices of the multiplicit disturbance of space, that work to become of such a manner that is both codifferentiable and codeterminable as interdependent eigenstates that exist in space -- that acts as the generic "force," if you will -- that acts in a Fourier-based manner, in so as to work to form that grand unification of field that is to exist, in order for energy to both exist and persist as a set of particles that act as waves, in the arena of space-time-fabric, so that any superstrings of discrete energy permittivity may be able to exist at all -- in their respective Calabi-based manifolds, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

First Two Test Solutions -- Test One Of Course 20

1)  The Fujikawa Coupling is a Ward-Caucy-based inter-relationhip, that is of the nature of that general genus of activity that is to happen in the substringular, when the two correlative ends of the open-loop phenomenological stratum of one discrete quantum of the kinetic energy permittivity of an electron -- that is in the process of being released from that said electron -- are to be brought together in a hermitian manner, via two covariant zero-state norm-state-projections, in such a manner in so as to help at working to form what is here to be the resulting holonomic substrate of one discrete photon.

2)  In any medium other than a vacuum, in which the light that is here to be traveling through such a medium, is here to be moving through the processes of Noether Flow over time, -- to where the said light is to go from initially scattering upon the holonomic substrate-based phenomenology of such a medium, while then going into a manner of then re-quantizing with other electromagnetic energy that is proximal local to the direction of the propagated motion of the said light, while then traveling in a relatively optimum-related "straight" manner until it is scattered again, and so-on, -- to where this is to happen in such a manner in so as to bend as little as feasible as is according to Snell's Law -- as it is to travel through "the direction of least time."

I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Session 6 Of Course 20, Test Questions To Test One

1)  Describe the Fujikawa Coupling.

2)  Describe the bending of light in a medium.

3)  What do I mean by a medium?

4)  What is the difference between light scattering and light re-quantazation?

5)  Discribe how light slows down in a medium.

6) Describe the Green Function in terms of the Fujikawa Coupling.

7)  What is the difference between a 2-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is correlative to a photon, and the closed-loop phenomenology of a gauge-boson?

I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Session 5 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Manifolds And Interactions

Light in a vacuum of space travels at 3.0*10^8 meters per second.  When light enters a medium that is not electromagnetic energy while it is also not a worm-hole, the light will tend to travel at a speed that is less than light speed.  For instance, when light strikes air, the light not only bends to a slight extent, it will also slow down to a correlative extent as well.  Once that light strikes the air, it will scatter -- while then subsequently tending to re-quantize to form light again.  Once the light reforms as light again, it will tend to travel in what amounts to as its given "tense of bend", yet in segmentations that are each of a relatively straight line, -- to where the said light, as it is here to be as is according to Snell's Law, is to then to go just slightly less than what light speed would be in a theoretical vacuum, as the so-eluded-to electromagnetic energy is to travel in the direction of "least time," as it is to only slow down and change direction, after each of such scatterings of the said light upon the so-eluded-to Calabi-Yau phenomenology of the said air molecules that it is to strike in a Gliosis-based manner over time.  For example, let's say that the given air was homogeneous in density, and that the light that I am referring to here did not have to significantly re-scatter again in the air, as the given light is here to be propagated downward toward the earth.  The light in this case is propagated towards the face of a body of water.  When the light strikes the water initially, the light will scatter, while then re-quantizing back into a beam of light that bends as is according to the density of the water -- and slows down as is according to this same density of the water.  The beam of light may be able to do this, if it is also not scattered by any plain kinetic energy, -- as other beams of light are to be inter-playing in this case scenario as well.  This beam of light may propagate until it is fully absorbed, most potentially by some alterior Calabi-Yau  space of mass.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Entropy And Cohomological Degeneration

Let us initially consider a photon of a beam of light, that is to strike an electron, that is of a set of atoms that are here to work to comprise a gauged overall mass-bearing phenomenology.  As the said photon is to strike the externalized core-field-density of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate of the electron that the so-stated photon is to collide with, in what is here to be in a Gliosis-based manner, -- that particular light-cone-gauge eigenstate of that discrete quantum of energy of the correlative electron that the said photon is to strike, -- is to initially -- upon its Gliosis-based collision with the said externalized core-field-density of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- to become of an entropic-based manner, for an overall course of 384 consecutive iterations of group-related instantons, --in so long as the so-stated photon is not to collide with the externalized core-field-density of the holonomic substrate of any other light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  As the so-stated photon is to behave in an entropic-based manner, the said entropic photon is to tend to purely degenerate the cohomological stratum that it is to interact with, in a Yukawa-based manner.  Entropy never tends to bear the tense of being conformally invariant -- at the internal reference frame at which it is here to be operational chaotic or entropic in its behavior here.  An entropic condition is a condition of chaos or disorder.  Disorder or chaos is not of an organized manner, when the processes of such chaos is entropic or out of order or out of organization.  Disorder or chaos works to disorganize things.  Disorganization thus works to degenerate cohomological stratum, at the Ward-Cauchy level that is Poincare to the processes of its said disorganization.  Therefore, entropic photons are examples of photons that are here to be perturbated into a Rayleigh-based state of a scattering mode.  Entropic photons that are adjacent, will thus tend to bear an odd chirality-based parity -- over any correlative gauged group-metric that is of an even Hamiltonian operation.  Thus, the re-quantization of photons that were once entropic -- to where the said re-quantized photons are to then to return to a tense of working to bear a harmonic order -- is an example of a Reimman scattering, that is to bear photons that are no longer entropic in a discrete arrangement, in which the adjacent correlative eigenindices of the discrete electromagnetic quantum of energy are here to bear an even chirality-based parity.  (Now that such a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy is to no longer be entropic.)  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Orbifold Eigensets -- Different Reference Frames

Let us initially consider a set of superstrings, that operate in so as to form one specific function -- as what is here to be the eminent presence of one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset.  Let us consider that the respective orbifold eigenset of this case, is to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude of a tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance -- when this is taken at an internally-bearing of a Ward-Cauchy-based reference frame.  Next, let us say that the orbifold eigenset as a whole phenomenon, is to here to be moving in a transversal-based manner -- via a discrete unitary Lagrangian, in such a manner to where the scalar magnitude of the said orbifold eigenset's velocity, as it is traversing its so-eluded-to discrete unitary path, is here to be about cosine(30 degrees)*(the speed of light).  As the said orbifold eigenset is here to be traveling in a relatively "straight" manner at a rate of cosine(30 degrees)*(the speed of light), -- it is here to bear a Lorentz-Four-Contraction upon its internally composite set of superstrings -- that are here to work to make-up the so-stated orbifold eigenset, of a factor of two.  So, as those superstrings that are here to move in a tense of Noether Flow, as these discrete quanta of energy are here to be working to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, -- each of the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that  work to help at forming the so-stated eigenset, are to then to bear a Lorentz-Four-Contraction of a factor of two. This would as well work to mean, that the here involved Polyakov Action that is to be directly correlative in this case, would then work to bear a scalar amplitude of a factor of 1.5*10^8.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.