Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Part Two Of The Seventeenth Session Of Course Ten

As I was discussing, as the discrete units of the directorals that here correspond to the prior eluded tensors are considered over an arbitrarily given Fourier condition that inter-relates the related superstrings that work to comprise the assoicated said traits, residue that is here delineated over a relatively brief metric works to transversally and vibrationally commute a certain degree of "tingling" that lubricates the kinematic association that covariantly binds the two said traits.  The coupling that happens over the course of the prior mentioned brief metric is an arbitrary given example of a Yakawa coupling that here involves indices that works to allow a variance that translates a tense of Weyl covariance that tends to conform to the corresponding Ward Caucy conditions that work to define the physical boundaries of the said traits in all of the Fourier-based derivatives that involve the overall dimensional scope in which the superstrings that work to define the said traits exist in.  The corresponding Cassimer Invariance that will happen here -- if the related Yang-Mills supersymmetry is to here take hold -- will then attain a spontaneous metric that here involves a parity and dual chirality that will work to even out the loci of the settings over the duration in which each associated encodement is quantized.  Yet, if the corresponding Yang-Mills supersymmetry that we are to consider were to not be attained here, then the associated holomorphic residue will flow over the duration of the brief metric that inter-relates this second possible scenario -- after each reiteration that would thence happen between the homotopic indices of the said traits.  The prior mentioned metrical condition would cause the metaphorical-based "fluid" flow that I had initially mentioned in my last post to become perturbated in terms of its displacement over a tightly-knit Fourier Transformation in which the traits mentioned earlier will, in this case, not be as superconformally invariant as these otherwise would be.  Under the conditions of such a perturbation of what would otherwise be more delineatorial-based stable, the inter-related fractal of magnetic coupling that could be extrapolated here would involve an increase in magnitude as well as an increase in terms of the corresponding fractal of charge.  The "fluid" would then snap and recoil in terms of its delineation over the course of the prior mentioned tightly-knit Fourier Transform.  If the associated holomorphic index that would then exist under the directly prior mentioned conditions were to now increase in terms of action intensity over the course of the kinematics that would involve the covariance of the related eigenstates that are comprised in part by the superstrings that work to form the prior mentioned said traits, then the recoiled sections of "amorphous" quantitative topology may -- after the coure of the proper sequence of iterations and the proper series of wave discharge -- slip in terms of its positioning of local distribution as a folded manifold to where it would go back into a connection that would here exist in-between the hyperstates of the said traits in so that the exterior counterpoise that would here be physically present, as well as the corresponding hypnostates of the related holonomic ground-states, would then differentiate through time in a singularized manner in so that the given phenomena would then act as a theoretical homotopical-based eigenbasis.  Such an eigenbasis would here be partially codifferentiable in terms of the inter-relation of the covariance of the two said traits over a related Fourier Transformation in such a manner so that the related activity would work to draw in the quanta of a re-convergent norm projection. I feel that I am burning the candle at both ends.  I will continue into course 11 when my sanity lets me.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Part One Of The Seventeenth Session Of Course Ten

What I could now expound upon is the manner as to how morphological sway conjoins and tears as a metaphorically amorphous fluid of interacting point particles.  Two traits in an arbitrary given case change over time relative to one another as an aggregate action that devolves, and whose corresponding eigenstates encode for a repulsion/attraction covariant-based Fourier differentiation.  Each time one of the said traits aquires more homotopic residue from within the confinement of its Ward-based operand, the other mentioned trait increases the propagation of its norm-state indices as a holonomic eigenpotential.  As the first of the said mentioned traits becomes polarized as a physical substrate relative to the second of the said mentioned traits, each sub-space matrix of the corresponding semi-group that physically inter-relates in a covariant manner the two mentioned traits works to renormalize a kerneled residue of what may be described as a heterogeneous phenomena-based discharge in terms of the topological quantitative integrand of the prior mentioned substrate.  The directly prior mentioned activity works to start the metric-based Fourier differentiation that here occurs between the two separate loci transmutations in terms of the corresponding wave exponentiation and also in terms of the corresponding wave degeneration.  The just mentioned wave exponentiation and wave degeneration may be described respectively as a Clifford Expansion and a Clifford decompactification.  The indical discharge that here occurs between the corresponding pointal oscillations and the corresponding instanton-based couplings, as integrated to take into considering the global interaction between the two two given traits works to "loosen" the quaternionic sway of the given local parameters in terms of the related coaxial torque as a radial majorized tensor.  I will continue with part two soon!  Sincerely, Sam.    

Friday, June 22, 2012

Session 16 Of Course 10

Let us examine the reiteration contributions of gravitons, tachyonic pulse, and dilatons toward the wave-tug of one given arbitrary superstring while it exists in the general region of its world-sheet operand upon another given arbitrary superstring, based on a convergent series integration that involves both of the two mentioned superstrings and their group semi-attractors.  Such group semi-attractors here differentiate in a Fourier manner in the neighborhood of the two prior mentioned superstrings' general field cohomology.:  After several iterations of the two said superstrings, both of the given superstrings expand and contract due to the effect of Lorentz-Four-Contractions in conjunction with their homotopic periphery while these superstrings also wobble from side-to-side -- maintaining a central coaxial basis --, while the topological slice locants of the forces that appertain to the two said superstrings' holomorphic field cohomology bears eigenindices which here majorize in such a manner so that these said indices bend the ground condition of the substringular field basis that combines the interaction of the whole given said cohomology in such a manner so as to add a degree of tensorism to the Njenhuis-based conditions of the Ward Caucy boundary conditions that inter-relate with the holomorphic-based integrated Hodge Indices that appertain to the said cohomological field delineation that has been discussed here.  When one is to consider the Dirac function that is associated with the elastic modulae of the holomorphic region of the field cohomology that inter-relates with the corresponding superstrings that we have been discussing here, any smooth torque that may be applied to the radial index that is eigen to the propagation of each of the two given mentioned superstrings that are related here in this arbitrary case forms a generation of gauge-metric that works to redistribute the coaxial-based settings of each of the two mentioned given superstrings.  Such a redistribution works to alter or perturbate both the scalar and directoral basis of the directly associated Lorentz-Four-Contractions that interact with the two given superstrings over the duration of a sequential series of instantons in such a manner so that the corresponding relativistic velocity -- as well as the associated tree-amplitudes that form the Njenhuis basis of the tensorisms that are most directly applicable to such a relativistic velocity -- may here, in this arbitrary given scenario, cause a perturbation in the general limit that the said relativistic velocity would be able to spontaneously indure otherwise.  If the corresponding contributions of the directly related dilatons that interact with the mentioned superstrings of the here discussed case were to work toward the formation of a Dirac function that is kinematically displayed over a Fourier Transformation that involves the said superstring via a group metric that forms an acute propagation of holonomic-based group integrands that phyiscally integrate in a convergent series over a duration of many instantons through the operand of the adjacent Fock Space that surrounds the related kinematic inter-relation, then the corresponding superstrings would then divolve their multiplicit effect over time into an obtuse "stretch", that, if such a "stretch" were then coupled by the torque that I previously described in such a manner that there were here to be a directly associated coupling in the related gravitons, then this would form tachyons.  The here just mentioned tachyons would then form a Fourier-based differentiation that would be applied in a Gliossi manner in terms of the here direct pulse of their holonomic wave-tug.  This would help work toward the delineation of an added degree of freedom in the kinematic differentiation of the related homotopic covariance.  When such a covariance is placed in sequence with other related associations of tachyonic superstrings that are of a similar nature, this may work toward the propagation of a tachyonic generation of the directly associated object that is common here among both given sets of superstrings in the globally distinguishable.  Such an activity would translate tachyonic flow until the related group Fourier differentials acting upon the Njenhuis-based topological sways of the involved superstrings would finally Reverse-Dirac the tachyonic pulse -- depending on how the fractal of the magnetic density of the whole phenomena here discussed is localized when it is relative to the general infrared photonic density.  As a piecewise manner of looking at the Continuum, even harmonic series eigenstates, whose ends are de-singularized, form some basis of critical cusps in the process of their propagation.  The sequence of heat eigenstates must converge upon the kerneled residual basis of the related field cohomology that is directly related here in terms of the direct field of the associated infrared photons.  To go faster than the prior would here imply, the said residual basis of the related heat transfer that happens here along with the activity of the associated magnetic field must be delineated in such a manner so that there will here be a extrapoltorial basis for the determination as to how to effect the substringular function of those superstrings that are at the center of a pertainant potentially protective field.
No more said about that.  I will continue with a lighter topic for session 17!  Sam Roach.        

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Session 15 Of Course 10

Tadpoles happen when three-dimensional fields of two-dimensional superstrings are made entopically spurious after basically countless iterations.  Such spuriousness is increased when two-dimensional superstrings have iterated through a common general path via a tense of conformal invariance too many times with no condition of being used to vanquish the chaotic energy-like condition of the resulting entropy.  This is because the space-hole works to realign the path operand of the individual world-sheets of both the associated one and two-dimensional superstrings in such a manner to where an increase in the entropy that is due to such an attempted realignment may happen. This happens when various substringular systems are relatively isolated to where these systems need to be changed in terms of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates that appertain to the resulting entropy and/or in terms of the Chern-Simmons condition of the same set of arbitrary superstrings that comprise the given prior mentioned entropy.  World-Sheets of substringular phenomena may be spatially effected in terms of large groups of these by thought energy in so that the paths of the related one and two-dimensional superstrings may have enough of an interaction with other one and two-dimensional superstrings.  This means that certain forms of thought energy -- in a manner that I will not here describe -- may be used to help in the effert to assist in the process of those forms of substringular delineations that may work to maintain that homotopy that works to sustain the condition of Cassimer Invariance so that our continued existence may be prolonged and secured.  This may happen in such a manner so that the paths of the corresponding given arbitrary superstrings may have enough of an interaction with other one and two-dimensional superstringular paths so as to allow life to differentiate in a time-wise manner with more freedom of motion -- as well as to allow for enough substringular room so that Gaussian Transformations may be aptly able to happen in the process of allowing both changes in norm-conditions as well as to allow for the reattaining of that discrete permittivity and discrete impedance that is necessary so that superstrings and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Traces may continue to exist so that there will be continued energy and freedom of energy redistribution.  This freeing up of room is so that those activities may happen so that there may be not only energy, yet also so that energy may be smooth enough in its kinetic delineations and redelineations in order for homotopy to persist with no danger.  This is necessary in order for space-time to adapt so that space-time-fabric may be able to homotopically persist.  I will continue in the direction of the 16th and last session of this course later.  I will converse then!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Part Two Of The 14th Session Of Course 10

To go back from where I left off, point commutators form Fock Space.  The propagation of ghost anomalies forming, as well as the condition of ghost anomalies becoming undone, helps to pull the associated superstrings through their world-sheets.  Yet, the related activity just mentioned causes the potential for tadpoles, these tadpoles of which are anharmonically-based metrical point commutator fields that strike the center-state of the corresponding superstrings at 45 degrees to both positive and negative-norm-states.  Yet, the condition that ghost anomalies always will happen is due to the large number and density of reverse-holomorphic norm-states,as well as the condition that ghost anomalies will always happen du to the large number and density of forward-holomorphic norm-states.  Such phenomena going through such associated activity works to create a balance that works to prevent damage to space-time-fabric on account of the fact that freeing up room in the substringular allows for the ample distribution and motion of superstring-related phenomena so that activity and thus energy may exist.  Tadpoles need to be utilized quite often over billions of years to have much effect.  The longer that a tori-sector-region (a layer of reality of one parallel universe) has been acitivated, the more that there is a potential that there is for tadpoles to have a significant effect.  A balance among both the frequency and the scattering away of ghost anomalies is a condition that works to determine both the creation of and the attribution that is here due to the existence and the time-related activity of tadpoles. 

Session 14 Of Course 10, Part One

A point commutator that is interconnected via a segment of mini-string to a disc-like configuration of point particles in a line of tangency, in which this phenomenon travels in the forward holomorphic direction during Ultimon Flow, are positive-norm-states.  These positive-norm-states are scattered by negative-norm-states by colliding with negative-norm-states.  The interaction of positive-norm-states with the motion of superstrings forms ghost anomalies.  Negative-Norm-States scatter ghost anomalies.  Such scattering works to free room up in the substringular so that the interaction of superstrings may happen without excessive interferrence.  Norm-States only cycle along the set of parallel universes that these most directly associate with.  In this tense, the positive-norm-states act as the substrate of the formation of ghost anomalies, while negative-norm-states act as a catylist that frees up room for superstring and the like for the multiplicitly interactive instantons that are to happen over the course of the subsequent substringular iterations.  Here's a little food for thought.  I will write part two of this session soon.  God Bless, and I will converse later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Thirteenth Session Of Course 10

What ramifications as to energy flow are due to those permutations in the radial tensors of a set of one and two-dimensional superstrings that quantify to form the phenomena of an arbitrary given physical trait which is covariant whith another arbitrary given physical trait?  A sequence of one and two-dimensional superstrings wobble in the scenario that I am beginning to enfold.  The given arbitrary wobbling that I just mentioned happens in regions which centralize locally toward their respective substringular neighborhoods as a kinematic eigenmatrix of reiterations which expel harmonic wave residue.  This happens after the convergence of each corresponding series of itertating superstrings in such a manner so as to form an output of the related superstrings.  The delineation of such an output distributes homotopic residue in the given arbitrary substringular local region in which what I have just described is happening.  The ghost anomaly-related residue here renormalizes in conjunction with the directly related point commutators which here act as eigenstates.  This happens in such a manner so that the related Imaginary radial tensors (Njenhuis tensors) that most directly correspond to the Real Reimmanian-based transversal anharmonic nodal indices interact in a Yakawa manner that is not Gliossi in this case.  This Yakawa-related coupling interacts with the directly associated Fock Space that is involved with the associated given arbitrary superstrings that are being discussed here.  As the mentioned superstrings wobble as I have been mentioning, the anharmonic nodal indices converge upon a harmonic wave delineation at a discrete measure in the substringular so as to bear an interaction during the multiplicit iterations of instanton.  This happens over a discrete metric that here involves an integer number of instantons that happen over a sequential series.  (The discrete metric here happens over a discrete period of what one would here describe as a discrete amount of Real Reimmanian-based time.)  This metric acts to Dirac the quaternionic-based reiterative substringular metric in respect with the associated given arbtirary superstrings that are involved here in so that the sequential compactifying that may be described over the duration of such an activity happens in a euclidean manner that involves a reverse-Clifford Expansion that is not euler in terms of the decrease in Hodge Volume over time.  What was first here a reverse-expansion will then stretch back in respect to the relativel locally-related superstrings which are most directly associated with the partial encodement of one of the respective covariant traits in relation with the other related trait.  As the metric that is directly associated with the prior mentioned wobbling superstrings relapsess, the related Poincaire generators, which here distribute that partial integration of such associated parameters, so that when such parameters are varied in distribution, this will cause the occurance of the activity of substringular pheonomena that is directed in each related separate variable of one of the given traits in covariance with the other one.  This happens in such a manner so that the given related superstrings of one of the mentioned traits may then be able to differentiate in a Fourier manner as a whole relative to those superstrings that appertain to the other mentioned trait so as to form a substrate that normalizes the corrrelative critical cusps of each associated jointal singularity that was previously separated by the harmonic discharge of the corresponding field propagation in the given substringular region in which such activity is happening.  The related Poincaire interaction that one may thereby entail may involve what I just mentioned because of the prior Fock Space encodement that works to help cause the prior mentioned activity.  This described form of compactification and decompactification that toddles back-and-forth causes the delineatory-bases of membranes that are described as orbifolds, which, via the related parity-based and vibration-based modes, works to delineate operands that have the nature to allow the time-based flow of topological phenomena that other phenomena may be distributed into in order to allow discrete energy-based holonomic entities to flow over a sequential series of multiplicit related instantons that are covariant so that energy may exist at all.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Sam.    

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Twelvth Session Of Course Ten

The light-cone-gauge field of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate bears five links of mini-string when involving one-dimensional superstrings and ten links of mini-string when involving two-dimensional superstrings.  With the field of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that involves a one-dimensional superstring, the five mini-loops consist of two segments of mini-sstring each that are looped around each other.  When it comes to the field of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that involves a two-dimensional superstring, the ten mini-string links are not Gliossi to any mini-string except that of the ten mini-string segments that bind the associated two-dimensioal superstring that is being discussed here with its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace.  A Fadeev-Popov-Trace is the field trajectory of a superstring.  A Fadeev-Popov-Trace is a discrete unit of energy impedance, while a superstirng is a discrete unit of energy permittivity.  A superstirng consequently may be viewed of as a field trajectory of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace, yet, in the opposite tense of holomorphicity as the other way around.  Light-Cone-Gauge eigenstates may either be abelian in geometric nature, or, these mentioned general types of eigenstates may be non-abelian in geometric nature.  An abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstate has a supplemental wave-tug in-between a related arbitrary given superstring and its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace.  The light-cone-gauge topology of an abelian geometric nature is known of as a Kaluza-Klein topology.  Light-Cone-Gauge eigenstates that bear a sinusoidal interconnection between the arbitrary given superstring and its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace are said to be non-abelian.  A non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology is known of as a Yang-Mills topology.  
I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Eleventh Session Of Course Ten

When a second-ordered light-cone-gauge topology is plucked by a gauge-boson, the activity of such plucking is known of as a light-cone related gauge-metric, and, the vibration of such a gauge-metric is known of as a second-ordered Schwinger Index.  The individual mini-string links between a superstring and its associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace are known of as second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  The whole general holonomic field topology of these links that exist in-between a superstring and its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace is known of as a first-ordered light-cone-guage eigenstate.  The sum of the vibrations that are formed by a first-ordered light-cone-guage eigenstate is known of as a Schwinger Index (first-ordered).  A second-ordered Schinger-Index may be delineated through an arbitrary given Rarita Structure eigenstate with a tense of orphoganal Yakawa gauge activity, and thus bear a harmonic wave propagation along the said associated Rarita Structure eigenstate.  Or, a second-ordered Schwinger-Index may be delineated with a tense of assymetric multiplicit (in terms of directorals) Yakawa gauge activity, and thus bear an anharmonic wave propagation along the same general type of associated Rarita Structure eigenstate.  When a gauge-boson (E(6)XE(6)) that plucks a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate does not bear a tense of borne tangency in terms of the associated homotopic Ward directoralization -- the gauge-boson as a whole is not orphoganal as a unit upon the given second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, the said  E(6)XE(6) string that forms the perturbation here in the proximal locus of the given arbitrary Rarita Structure eigenstate causes an anharmonic wave metric-gauge that, in and of itself, tends to move in the direction of the course of propagating an eventual Wick Action.  A Wick Aciton is the most important form of a Hausendorf Projection.