Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Little Bit About Second-Ordered-Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates

When a second-ordered-light-cone-gauge topology is plucked "like a harp"by a gauge-boson, such plucking is known as a light-cone related gauge-metric, and the vibration of such a gauge-metric is known as a second-ordered Schwinger Index.  The individual mini-string links between a superstring and its associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace are known of as second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  The whole field of these links between a superstring and its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace is known as a first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  The sum of the vibrations that are formed by a first-ordered-light-cone gauge eigenstate is known as a Schwinger Index.  In certain cases, a second-ordered Schwinger Index may bear a tense of orphoganal Yakawa gauge activity, and thus this may bear a harmonic wave propagation along the associated Rarita Structure eigenstate.  Or, in a different scenario, a second-ordered Schwinger Index may be formed with a tense of assymetrically multiplicit (in terms of directorals) Yakawa gauge activity.  The prior activity thus bears an anharmonic wave propagation along the associated Rarita Structure eigenstate.  Gauge-Bosons are always Gliossi upon the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstaes when these pluck the implied field-indices.  So, in this sense, the said gauge-bosons always have a borne-tangency upon the described light-cone-gauge-eigenstates.  Yet, when a gauge-boson (which is an E(6)XE(6) string) that plucks a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate does not bear a tense of overall tangency in terms of its homotopic Ward directoralization (the gauge-boson as a whole is not orphoganal as a unit upon the given second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate), the plucking causes a field-wise homeomorphic yet interconnected torsion upon the said E(6)XE(6) string that forms a perturbation in the proximal locus of Rarita Structure eigenstate that causes an anharmonic wave metric-gauge, that, in and of itself, tends to move in the direction of the course of propagating an eventual Wick Projection.  This is because the condition of a lack of adherent norm-stability in the field of the light-cone-gauge indirectly causes a need for an alteration in the norm conditions of a given said locus -- thereby causing the need for a Gaussian Transformation.  The Wick Action is a form of a Hausendorf Projection. This happens to be the most important form of a Hausendorf Projection.  This is because the multiplicit Wick Action indirectly causes the multiplicit Higgs Action to be kinematic upon the multiplicit Klein Bottle so that the Kaeler-Metric may occur.  The Kaeler-Metric happens in a manner that allows for Gaussian Transformations to be able to occur. The Kaeler-Metric is the activity that causes superstrings to attain and reattain the permittivity that these need so that discrete energy may exist and persist.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Sam.     

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Little Dittie About The Light-Cone-Gauge

The light-cone-gauge field of a first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate bears five links of mini-string when such a phenomena is involving one-dimensional superstrings, and, a first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate that corresponds to the topological Laplacian mapping of a two-dimensional superstring bears ten links of mini-string.  With the field of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that involves a one-dimensional superstring, the five mini-loops consist of two segments of mini-string that are both looped around each other.  When it comes to the field of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that involves a two-dimensioanl superstring, the ten mini-string links are not homotopically Gliossi to any mini-string except that of the ten mini-string segments that bind such a given arbitrarily associated two-dimensional superstring with its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace.  A Fadeev-Popov-Trace is the field trajectory of a superstring.  A Fadeev-Popov-Trace is a discrete unit of energy impedance, while a superstring is a discrete unit of energy permittivity.  A superstring, consequently, may be viewed of as a field trajectory of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace, yet in the opposite tense of holomorphicity.  Such a Laplacan mapping of the described field trajection directoralization is based on the same concept, except that here, the mapping bears the opposite chirality.  Light-Cone-Gauge eigenstates may either be abelian in nature, or, these may be non-abelian in nature.  An abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstate has a supplemental wave-tug in-between a given arbitrary superstring and its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace.  The light-cone-gauge topology of an abelian nature is known of a  Kaluza-Klein topology.  Light-Cone-Gauge eigenstates that bear a sinusoidal interconnection between the given superstring and its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace are said to be non-abelian.  A non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology is known of as a Yang-Mills topology.  I will continue with the suspence later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.           

Thursday, February 23, 2012

String Theory Glossary For Courses Nine And Ten

1)  Real residue -- Substringular residue that happens during BRST.

2)  Imaginary Residue -- Substringular residue that happens during the Ultimon Flow duration that exists in-between the individual metrics in which instanton is happening.

3)  BRST -- Substringular activity that happens during the neighborhood of the activity of instanton.  This duration includes when the Bette Action and the Polyakov Action are occuring, yet, it does not include when the Regge Action and/or when the Kaeler Metric are happening during any given arbitrary duration of instanton.
4)  Iteration -- The activity of Globally distinguishable noticeable time in which instanton is occuring.

5)  Ultimon "Time" -- That set of covariant metrics that occur in-between the individual durations in which instanton is transpiring.

6)  Real Exchange -- The substringular exchange that happens on the Real Reimmanian Plane.

7)  Imaginary Exchange -- The substringular exchange that happens off of the Real Reimmanian Plane.

8)  The Core Of BRST -- The Real Residue that is undergoing recycling during the Imaginary Exhange that is operating during the duration that I previously described as BRST.

9)  The Light-Cone-Gauge -- The Laplacian-Based connections in-between Planck-Related phenomena and their corresponding forward-holomorphically delineated superstrings.

10)  Fock Space -- Superstringular phenomena that exists besides substrings, counterstrings, Planck-Related phenomena, substringular encoders, substringular encoder counterparts, and the Main-Heterotic-Stringular-Fabric.

11)  Gravity -- As a weaker force than the electromotive force, while yet still being a relatively stronger force than spontaneous radioactive decay, gravity is that force that pulls phenomena into a tangible interactive order on account of the Ricci Scalar that is physically caused by the Rarita Structure.

12)  Dilatons -- Transversal indices that quantize to form transversal gravitational particles.  These dilatons are formed by the activity of positive-norm-states that are "scooped-off" of world-sheets via the activity of negative-norm-states colliding with the fields of the said positive-norm-states in a manner that is directoralized in such a fashion so as to not bear a Gaussian-Norm Hamiltonian-Basis in terms of the related Gliossi scattering that is being described here.

13)  Negative-Norm-States -- Those indices of Campbell-Projections that are latent in Fock Space that "scrape-away" Gliossi-Sherk-Olive indices, on account of their relatively reverse-holomorphic directoralization  This happens in order to convert the excess sub-spaces of world-sheets into those dilatons and dilatinos that are brought off of the initially implied Real Reimmanian Plane so that gravitational particles may form.  The fields formed by the reverse fractal of such an activity that the Fourier-Based motion of such negative-norm-states causes allows for any needed exchange between Gliossi-Sherk-Olive-Ghosts and Neilson-Kollosh-Ghosts, so that substringular regions may "clear-up" some room for the necessary activity of superstrings and gravitational particles that must occur so that substringular phenomena may spontaneously and continuously differentiate kinematically over the sequential series of multiplicit covariant Fourier Transforms.  Neilson-Kollosh-Ghost indices are scattered by a similar activity of fields that are similar to negative-norm-states, except that the activity that happens here is off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.  

14)  Positive-Norm-States -- Those indices of Campbell-Projections that are latent in Fock Space that produce Gliossi-Sherk-Olive indices via the settling of their multiplicit fields on account of their intrinsic forward-holomorphic Fourier-Based directoralization.  Neilson-Kollosh-Ghosts are formed by indices of similar norm-state projections, except that the activity of such indicated indices here is kinematically operated off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

15)  Dilatinos -- Spin-Orbital indices that are formed by the scattering of positive-norm-states by negative-norm-states that quantize to form the particle-basis of gravitinos.

  16)  Gravitons -- The particle-basis of transversally discrete physical units of gravity.

17)  Gravitinos -- The particle-basis of spin-orbitally discrete physical units of gravity.    


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Little Bit About Spurious Eigenbases

What type of a perturbation series would propagate if certain superstrings of covariant traits were to aquire topological sways, and how would this alter the angular momentum of the thus related homotopy -- whose phenomenology is defined by the interaction of those covariant traits which act eigen to the pertainent differentiable semi-groups (The semi-groups here are norm-states that act as catylists to the formation of those superstrings which encode for the mentioned covariant traits)?  As an arbitrary example:  A superstring is reiterated within the same neighborhood.  Quadrillions of related superstrings do too.  A miniority of the two-dimensional strings here iterate and reiterate side to side on a slightly differentiable coaxial basis.  These superstrings maintain an even function of polar shift in order to not get "kicked-out" of their association with the other superstrings which help define the basis of their respective covariant traits.  The change in the holomorphic index, thus caused, commutes phase change in the nodation of anharmonic oscillation.  This kinematic activity causes a change in wave connection and wave-tug between the other corresponding superstrings and the initially stated ones that are associated with the mentioned norm-states . This phase alteration repositions the parallax of the related homotopic Fourier differentiation by setting up a buffer in the prior mentioned related semi-groups.  This activity localizes as a supplement in the Imaginary tense to the change of angular homotopy caused by the coaxial twists that the said superstrings are kinematically undergoing.  The buffer is produced by the harmonic sway of those wave connections which were relocalized by the propagation of axions.  Such axions, under the course of such an arbitrary scenario, were generated by the tensors that in this case caused a euclidean repositioning during each time that the related superstirngs were spontaneously torqued.  This angular momentum change would, by intereacting with the mentioned buffer, cause a divergence in the local invariance of the set interactive traits, yet, it would converge the kinematic differentiatiion of the given covariance that is happening when the said metrics that were just mentioned are undergoing the described Fourier Transformation.  This is since the co-differentiation with the "buffer" would act as a "check and balance" to the inertial Dirac of the given homotopic configuration that has been described here.  If, after a discrete series accumulation of differenial variance, and if the homotopy has undergone global kinematics in the process of such a related Fourier Transformation, then, the series here would converge upon a local basis of a fractal of static equilibrium that may be described as a tense of conformal invariance.  It is then that the given "buffer" is said to be a member of a potentially spurious eigenbasis that may be physically denoted by an orbifold that bears a relatively strong tendancy for Chern-Simmons Laplacian-based and Chern-Simmons Fourier-based singularities over a metric that would involve a relatively brief number of instantons per duration of cyclic permutation.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerley, Samuel Roach.           

A Little About Substringular-Based Traits

What ramifications as to energy flow are due to permutations in the radial tensors of a set of one and two-dimensional strings that quantify to form the phenomena of a trait which is covariant with another one?  A sequence of one and two-dimensional superstrings wobble in a region which centralizes locally to their respective neighborhoods as a kinematic eigenmatrix of reiterations which expel harmonic wave residue.  This happens after the convergence of the series output of the related superstrings, of which delineates homotopic residue.  The ghost residue renormalizes in conjunction with the directly related point commutators which act as eigenstates to the Imaginary radial tensors of the transversal anharmonic nodal indices.  This bears Yakawa Couplings with the mentioned superstrings' Fock Space.  As these strings wobble as described, the anharmonic node indices converge upon a harmonic wave delineation at a discrete measure in the substringular, bearing an instanton interaction of a discrete metric.  This said metric acts to Dirac the quaternionic reiterative strings' metric, while then sequentially compactifying to a euclidean measure, after which stretching the relatively local strings which are associated with that partial encodement of the associated given covariant trait.  As the metric of the wobbling strings relapses, the Poincaire generators, which distribute the partial integration of such associated parameters, varies in terms of each separate variable of the given trait.  This happens in order to:  1)  Get a given substringular trait to differentiate as a whole in a Fourier manner relative to another given substringular trait.;  & 2)  To gen a substringular association to act as a strung-out substrate that normalizes the correlative critical cusps of each jointal singularity that was previously seperated by the harmonic discharge of the corresponding field propagation in the substringular.]  The Poincaires that are related as such in this case can do this because of the prior mentioned Fock Space encodement.  This type of compactification that I just described causes substringular membranes, which, via the associated angular momentum that is associated here, delineates substringular operands thru which the said topological phenomena may be distributed into in order to allow discrete energy to flow -- so that energy may exist at all.
When I find the test questions that I have for the end of Course Nine, I will submit a post for that.
I will continue with the suspence later!  Take Care.   Sincerely, Sam Roach.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Session 15 Of Course Nine

The light-cone-gauge multiplicitly exists between Planck phenomena and superstrings.  The light-cone-gauge corresponding to one-dimensional superstrings consists of five mini-string segments that are in-between an arbitrarily corelative Planck-like phenomena ansd its corresponding one-dimensional fermionic string.  With a bosonic string, there are ten mini-string segments in-between the corelative Planck phenomena and its two-dimensional bosonic superstring.  When a one-dimensional superstring closes via the Fujikawa Coupling as may be mathematically described when using the Greene function, the five doubled up milni-string segments unravel and reconnect to form ten mini-string segments that connect homogeneously along the newly formed two-dimensional bosonic string.  So, when a two-dimensional bosonic superstring undergoes such a Yakawa Coupling via the Greene function to open to form a one-dimensional fermionic string, the ten mini-string segments mentionesd double-up to form five mini-string segments after the ten mini-string segments that were previously mentioned are released and ravled to reconnect in a homogeneous manner.  These switches in mini-string happen during iteration or instanton with the help of gauge bosons.  Gauge bosons are an example of two-dimensional superstrings that are larger than superstrings.  Gauge Bosons spin and roll to allign the light-cone-gauge during the activity that occurs during BRST.  BRST is when the Imaginary exchange of Real residue happens among superstrings that are discrete energy permittivity and their counterparts.  (The counterparts of such mentioned superstrings act as a substrate for the said strings.)  The gauge bosons act as "light-switches" that activate the other heterotic strings.  I will discuss what I mean by that in future courses.  As the gauge bosons counterspin and counter-roll, the corresponding activity levers thru space in a hyperbollic manner so that the other heterotic superstrings are able to spontaneously open when necessary so that their counterstrings may retie as one-dimensional superstrings during certain circumstances, and also so that other phenomena that is directly attached to the corelative substringular encoders may undergo the proper retying during the metric in-between instantons when such retying is prominent.     

Monday, February 13, 2012

Course Nine, Session 14

Light-Cone-Gauge eigenstates always have quanta that twist to one extent or another.  Since there are a limited number of transversal, orbital, and/or radial components to the light-cone-gauge eigenstates of superstrings, the distance that strings move transversally, orbitally, and/or radially per instanton is controlled by the quanta-based-twists of the given superstrings' associated first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates which is controlled by both the region that the strings cycle thru,as well as the point commutative forces that act upon the strings and their associated second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  This is also to be considered along with what tori-sector-region is activated.  The more norm-states that act upon the mentioned superstrings, along with their associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- with limited spuriousnes inactivated -- (Since the operand of the world-sheet propagation is harmonic due to the cohesive normalizations of the corresponding Planck phenomena.) -- the faster the related strings and Planck phenomena will travel.  Not only that, but also, the corresponding substringular travel will not form excessive dilatons.  Light has an operand of world-sheet propagation that is harmonic on account of the smooth relationship of differentiating electric and magnetic fields.  Travelilng smoothly at over the speed of light has harmonic operands of world-sheet propagation.  This is because the radial, orbital, and transversal differentials are smoothly covariant.  This happens when phenomena that moves in a smooth or hermitian kinematic Fourier differentiation over the speed of light has harmonic operands of world-sheet travel.  Fast speeds just under the speed of light tend to cause relatively high, non-abrasive topological twists of light-cone-gauge quanta.  This tends to happen with a more anharmonic operand of world-sheet propagation when this speed is occuring via a tree-amplitude-based directoralization does not smoothly differentiate in a kinematic manner, over time, with a radial component.  Thus, light-cone-gauge quantization is constantly covariant throughout the Continuum during any discrete Fourier Transform.  Session 15 is expected to be revealed tomorrow!    

Part Three of the "Next Session" Of Course Nine

In the meanwhile, the tri-local substringular encodements converge the region of the locus of the related orbifolds in proportion to the euclidean-based even distributions of their wave propagation and residue.  Those semi-groups that here arbitrarily commute kinematically phenomena-based discharge of those strings -- these superstrings being of one or more of the said orbifolds relative to one another --have spin-symmetries that become covalent via wave co-axials that covaliantly diferentiate thru a multiplicit Lagrangian.  The mentioned multiplicit Lagrangian occurs over an arbitrary Fourier Transform that curves on account of the related Njenhuis wave-tug permittivity eigenforces and the related Njenhuis wave-tug impedance eigenforces.  This basis of curvature happens in such a manner so that the Campbell/Hausendorf/Campbell Hausendorf and Zero-Norm Projections that are formed, on account of this here, arbitrarily forms a hermitian motion via the Greene Function known of as the Fujikawa Couplinlg.  In other related cases, such an activity may form other types of Yakawa Couplings.
I will continue with the rest of Course Nine later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.     

Thursday, February 2, 2012

More About Partitions

Theoretically, in an ideal case, there are only two partitions in a 2-d superstring of discrete energy permittivity and only one partition in a 1-d superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  Yet, since superstrings are vibrating hoops in terms of 2-d strings and superstrings are vibrating strands in terms of 1-d strings, superstrings have, during an average instanton, many times as many partitions.  So, in terms of All of the partitions in one layer of reality of one set of parallel universes, for all of the corresponding superstrings of that mentioned set of universes, there are an average of 4.368*10^188 partitions of superstrings per instanton.  Or, in other words, on the average, between one and two dimensional strings, a superstring during instanton has 3*10^6 partitions. Still, 1+1^((3*10^6)/10^43)) =2,
and, 1^(3*10^6)/10^43)) =1.
 Therefore, 1-d strings have a conformal dimension of 1, and,
2-d strings have a conformal dimension of 2.  One to the power of any Positive Real Number when including zero is always one. (duy, sorry for the mistake in the prior editing.)
Where I get 3*10^6 is via the following math:  Maximum Lorentz-Four-Contraction is 3*10^8.
The first-ordered point particles that comprise superstrings exist in a majorized plane that involves a one-dimensional field that binds with 3 Njenhuis tensors, to where these point particles vibrate in 10,000 types of Laplacian distributions when one considers the covariant loci as to the mapped out spots of such a given point particle per Ultimon Flow.  From within the mentioned 4-d field, one has a 2-d planar field that helps describe 100 Laplacian-based loci where a said given point particle vibrates as a local operator per each Ultimon Flow.  3*10^8/100 = 3*10^6.
3*10^(-35)m/100 = 3*10^(-37)m.  There are 10^43 first-ordered point particles in a superstrings, and, 10^43*3*10^(-37) = 3*10^6.  I will continue with the suspence later!  After I build back better cognition processing, I will get back to Course Nine.  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.