Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Session 7 of Course 2 (Point Commutators

Strings exist in space. This space contains waves and scattered wave residue in various regions that it exists. Space where there are no waves or wave residue is said to be non-kinematic. Kinematic space, on the other hand, is the eigenset of space-time-fabric. Space-Time-Favric is the integration of all things in the continuum that ever change as operators. Yet non-kinematic space is often an operand for phenomena that pair thru its regions. In this picture, not everything is a summation of many strings. Strings form the identity of phenomena that form the basis of energy. Kinetic energy, matter, and electromagnetic energy are the "movers and the shakers" of things that change in the Continuum. Yet, these phenomena are by far mostly empty space. The rudimentary cause of how the basic phenomena that cause change in our Continuum based on our global perspective is one that shows that these must be a group of phenomena that are greater in number than strings that allow strings to exist persist, and differentiate. This idea leads to the idea of point commutators. A string momentarily exists in a spot. When it is detected, it has iterated and reiterated in a similar spot many times, changing its position and orientation based on its convergence upon the locus that it devolves upon within that region of the Continuum. What is observed as a string is a series iteration of a phenomena that keeps coming back to a relative locus. Now, if that string is what it is based on in the general solution, then what is to become of it in-between iterations, and what gives that string the ability to go all of the way around the Continuum many times within a very brief metric while still allowing that string to encode for the same phenomenon while yet being basically the same? The answer is simple. The string hermitianly breaks down into stuff after it is iterated. Stuff in-between the strings brings the strings around the Continuum. This stuff, via wave complimentation and supplementation, causes the strings to encode the same and to come back to the same general spot as the same general thing, and this set of phenomena is a group of many groups of point particles that form in-between where strings form.

Point Commutators can do this because these have totally different norm conditions than strings. Strings and their Fock Spaces form rectangular segments, while point commutators form with one point being normal to the plane of another set of points of a similar nature. The different nature of a point commutator is that these points are less than half full of condensed oscillation. Strings are only half full of condensed oscillation. The Fock Space of point commutators are always more than half empty. Yet always, Fock Space contains more free wave oscillation (not condensed) in the direct field of its neighborhood. Such a point as a point commutator may be a member of a semigroup whose differential geometry pulls dissociated string material around the Continuum while sharing condensed wave oscillation in such a way as to stabilize the jointal conditions of the dissociated strings by supplementing the tangential spurs of any wave propagation that is rooted at the center states of the points (allowing the radial functions of the points to be maintained). Such stabilization works to maintain the encodement of the points so as to form the string that is at the locus that it must be at.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Course 3, Session 1, Lorentz-Four-Contractions

We live in a vast world of three observable dimensions. So, when things we can fully detect go from one spot to another, these also must move in our three-dimensional realm as these are detected as a complete entity. In order for things to happen at all, there must be an interdependent coordination of procedures that allow room for the transporation of any occurrence, yet alone the interplay between all of the different occurrences that we have a clue are happening thruout the Continuum. So, if we know all of the boundaries of an object or a phenomena physicswise, and the boundaries that limit that item within the three-dimensional delineation of our apparent realm do not include extra dimensions of space, then the other dimensions you would need to know (physicswise) in order to predict how that object will differentiate is one that measures the order of circumstances that define the procedure as to the prior, current, and subsequent arrangement of interactions that allow the static and differentiating kinematisms of the given object to differentiate as a group action period. Such an added dimension is time. Time is the procedure in which action takes place.
Our Continuum is not round. It is a toroidal disc. Our visible universe is approximately round in so far as we as people fave found, yet the Overall Physical Continuum is a lot bigger than the visible universe. Space, thence likes to curve. Whenever something moves, there is curve involved. One may add, this is because everything involves radial motion. Mmm, Yeah. Yet it is also because of the "integration of the bike" concept. What I mean is this: Remember how I explained in the last course that the different norm indices between ground and norm Or smooth curvedness and jointedness must work toward supplementation in order for the net result to be the universe having any energy at all? Well, the supplementation is linear motion. Linear motion that is delineated by radial indices which act as a basis for both its cause and effect describes the basic idea of the distribution impetus of a majorized plane. A majorized plane means that there are eigenbases of Majorana matrices that describe the path of the field of majorization. The propagation of this majorization in the operands of empty space causes this space to curve and at least bear a potential action.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

More About the Wick Action

The Wick Action is an interconnection of Hausendorf States that act as sensors to the condition of the lack of proper norm conditions in a Gaussian substringular membrane, due to the quantification of anharmonic Rarita based vibrations that function through the operand of the holonomics of Cassimer Invariance. So, the Wick Action is a Hausendorf Projection that senses a change in the Jacobian eigenbasis of an orbifold or of an orbifold eigenset. As Gaussian symmetry among a substringular membrane alters in norm conditions, the Wick Action caused by quantific anharmonic second-ordered Schwinger Indices that bear cusps of residue that have covariantly Laplacian reverse symmetric concavity, is signaled to move a holonomic phenomenon known as a Landau-Gisner Action in such a manner that a leverage of mini-string known as a Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism physically move the Higgs Action, that, based on the covariant abelian nature of the angling that bears upon the Klein Bottle, uses its Clifford Geometry to move the Schotky Construction to the appropriate loci (191 in a single series of iterations) to go through Kaeler Metric that is caused by superstrings falling at an angle that is caused by the residual rock-sway of the said superstrings once the directly prior Polyakov and Bette Actions have happened, into the norm conditions of the Klein Bottle and thus be shook a certain amount and in a certain manner per corresponding instanton so that these superstrings may regain permittivity. This shaking is due to the angling of the norm-states within the Schotky Construction being multiplicitly given the Ward Neumman Conditions, being subtended by 22.5 degrees Hilbert based degrees relative to one another. (22.5 degrees is the angle of a norm-state rock sway, and thus also the angle of Minkowski fall of the associated superstrings into the Klein Bottle. The Klein Bottle, when shook, is hermitianly redistributed in a unitarily multiplicit supplemental manner so that it is shook back-and-forth eight times. (8*22.5=180.)

The back-and-forth motion institutes the three-dimensional tensors if the affiliated superstrings, and 180 degrees *2=360 degrees.

More About GSO Ghosts

When a superstring that is Yau-Exact is kinematically differentiating through a Fourier Series Transformation in a tense of conformal invariance that is local to an orbifold that forms a detectable toroidal region that forms an exterialized shell where all of the Majorana-Wehyl supercharge is localized on account of the correlative fluctuations in the angular momentum indices and also of the correlative fluctuations in the spin-orbital indices that are related to the transversel and the radial directoralizations that are delineated by the Glisossi-Sherk wave-tugs that the associated superstring's bear metric-gauge upon the interialized mini-string, the mini-string of which comprise the field of superstrings, then the said toroidal field cohomological composite of the stringular fields that integrate to form this orbifold related field will bear an M-Field that has more of a Hodge Index than that of a related toroidal field that involved the redistribution and the GSO ghost of one reiterating superstring that bears a tightly-knit Fourier Series Transformation of conformal invariance that is not primal enough to be called a classic case scenario of superconformal invariance. Such a change of distributional index that forms a reverse-fractored steady-state distributional index bears a virtually pure GSO ghost field with the exception of the superstrings that are kinematically encoded in the Laplacian of individual instantons.

More About Gravity

Reverse gravity is a reversal in the direction of the flow of gravitational particles as a unit. Antigravity, on the other hand, is a reversal in the directoralization of the Ricci Scalar. Gravitational particles are gravitons and gravitinos. Gravitational particles are gravitons and gravitinos. Gravitational force, as entailed by the Ricci Scalar, is a metric-gauge, that, via the Rarita Structure, acts also as a type of gauge-action. Every phenomenon that's physical is is involved with gravity of some sorts or another. So, although not everything has mass, every phenomenon in terms of superstrings and gauge-bosons has a mass index. This is because every superstring has some subtending upon gravitational particles via Ricci Scalar eigenstates that act through the respective Rarita Structure eigenstates. A string that appertains to mass is a superstring that is Yau-Exact in terms of its surrounding substringular singularities, and bears a light-cone-gauge topology that is Kaluza-Klein. A Kaluza-Klein topology is a light-cone-gauge topology is a light-cone-gauge topology that is abelian per the Laplacian conditions respectively at BRST. Phenomena that bear singularities in adjacent substringular Gliossi tangency that is both hermitian and non-perturbative per iteration is said to be Yau-Exact in the associated instanton. If the given superstring differentiates along a toroidal mapping upon detection, then this superstring of mass is in a state of conformal invariance that bears mass-on-shell, since all of the Majorana-Weyl charge of a discrete unit of permittivity's Ward field is at the periphery of its Ward Neumman bounds. The condition of a superstring that is a vibrating hoop or a vibrating strand that is detected, though as toroidal, is the basis of M-Theory.